
Animal Consciousness

We often characterize animals as reflexive and unthinking, reacting almost mindlessly to instinct, when evidence to the contrary abounds across the animal kingdom. Consciousness did not materialize singularly and suddenly with the emergence of human beings—primates cooperate and console, as do elephants. Dolphins admire themselves in mirrors, apparently aware they are looking at their own reflection.

Director of Sciences and Broadcast co-editor-in-chief Janna Levin invites famed primatologist Frans de Waal and marine mammal scientist and cognitive psychologist Diana Reiss to Pioneer Works to learn more. The three explore and challenge our notions on animal consciousness, innate morality, and the imperative for compassion among species. ♦

Scientific Controversies brings together two scientists in conversation to explore unsolved quandaries. The focus is on ideas and the unknown, the precipice between where we are now and where we imagine the future will bring us.