
E.S.P. TV, ‘Daytime Viewing’

Directed and produced by E.S.P. TV, this live broadcast event highlights the work, “Daytime Viewing” (1979-80) by Jacqueline Humbert and David Rosenboom. Daytime Viewing is an extended narrative song, based on a casual analysis of daytime television drama and the audience phenomena such programming addresses. Performances by Erica Magrey with Liliou Barbier, Heidi Jien Jouet, Dana Bell with Sari Nordman, Johanna Herr, MV Carbon with Lily Benson, and Shana Moulton with Samantha Crabtree Special thanks to David Rosenboom, Jacqueline Humbert, and Tommy McCutchon, Unseen Worlds. The event coincides with the release of “Daytime Viewing” as an LP by Unseen Worlds.